How To Read/Listen to Library Articles Via The App

This support doc is for iOS, Android and macOS 10.15 & above users - if you are on any other device/computer, refer to this how-to instead

Once you installed the French Today app or made sure you have the latest version installed (v2.0.0 minimum), then you'll see two tabs at the top of your Library: 

  • "Audiobooks" where you will find all your purchased French Today audiobooks
  • "Magazines" where you will find all the library articles from your subscription

Your Magazines & Articles List

Here you will see each monthly library edition, as well as the two freely available articles in the "Free Trial" magazine

Tap on the magazine edition you'd like to open

You'll see the 4 articles in that month's edition

For each article, you will see:

  • The article name (a blue dot in front of the name indicates you have not read that article)
  • The article description and thumbnail image
  • A duration (that combines the Enunciated and Modern recording duration)
  • An option menu (with the 3 dots ... ) - See below

And finally, at the end of the list a [Download all] button - see below

How to open an article

Unlike our audiobooks, you do NOT need to download the articles first to use them. Simply tap on an article to read/listen to it if you are connected to the internet.

If, at some point, you want to access the article while offline (i.e.: not connected to the internet), then that's when you actually need to download the article to your device.

When you open the article, you'll see the following screen:

The interface will look extremely familiar to you if you have ever used one of our audiobooks, since it's 99% the same.

You can scroll the article, hide the English translations, change the recording speed, control the audio (including jump back/forward), change different options, use the car mode...

Image slideshow

Most articles feature image slideshows. To view them, either tap on the orange left/right arrow above the image, or simply swipe left or right on them when on a mobile device.

Article options

You can access these by tapping on the 3 dots to the right of the article, or swiping from right to left on the article entry.

You will have the option to:

  • Toggle the article as Read or Unread (unread articles will have a blue dot in front of their title)
  • Download the article for offline access (only needed if you need to read/listen to the articles while not connected to the internet

Downloading Articles

Again, unlike our audiobooks, if you are connected to the internet, you do not need to download an article before you access it: you can just open the article and start using it. Downloading is only if you want to access the article while not connected to the internet).

You can download articles individually (via the swipe or 3 dot menu) or you can download all the articles in a magazine by tapping on the "Download all" button at the bottom.

When articles are downloaded onto your device, the little cloud icon below the description will turn into a green arrow.

Removing downloaded articles

If you want to remove the downloaded article from your device, you can do so via the 3 dot menu and select "Remove Local Copy". 

Updating downloaded articles

When you open an article that is not downloaded to your device, you will always see the latest version.  However, if an article is downloaded to your device, when you are connected to the net and the app notices that there is an updated version of the article, then a little red dot will appear, and the download option will show up as "Update Local Article".

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